Are You Headed Towards A “Stragedy?”

We have invented a new word: Stragedy™.  It’s not a spelling mistake, but a real-world phenomenon. Strategy + Tragedy = Stragedy. We define Stragedy as the following:   Stragedy: a plan of action designed to achieve an overall aim that has an unhappy ending and creates the likely downfall of a company. There are many… Continue reading Are You Headed Towards A “Stragedy?”


In December, the video communications company Zoom boasted 10 million daily users. In March, as the coronavirus lockdown went into full swing, the number rose to 200 million. Virtual work has gone mainstream. True, some of us will return to a physical workspace in the coming weeks and months. But virtual work isn’t going anywhere.… Continue reading FIVE SURPRISING TIPS FOR TRANSFORMATIVE ZOOM MEETINGS


Monday morning, March 16th, 2020. With the workweek set to begin, I suddenly felt uncertain. That’s because this, I knew, would be a workweek like none other. An entirely new ballgame. My six-year-old daughter’s school had been shuttered over the weekend on account of COVID-19. My husband’s job had him working from home as well. Like… Continue reading WHAT MY KID TAUGHT ME ABOUT WORKING FROM HOME

Keeping Calm During Coronavirus

A PRACTICAL GUIDE FOR OVER-THINKERS AND NEWS JUNKIES It’s Here Coronavirus is in the air. I’m referring not just to infectious particles, but to the infectious mood that has gripped our nation and put the world on edge. Some are more concerned than others. But no one can deny the anxious, tenuous feeling that has… Continue reading Keeping Calm During Coronavirus

Five tips for talking to someone who disagrees with you

1. REMEMBER WE ARE ALL PROGRAMMED It is critical to remember that people do not formulate their opinions in a vacuum. Rather, each of us is an amalgamation of hundreds of years of programming and thousands of conditioning factors. People are accountable for their own thoughts and actions, and we are also not usually encouraged by… Continue reading Five tips for talking to someone who disagrees with you

The Problem with Problem-Solving

“What is here now, when there is no problem to solve?” Recently I’ve begun my morning meditation by asking myself this question, offered by Loch Kelly in a three-minute practice. It’s had a dramatic impact on my ability to “drop in”—to let go of the noise and chatter in my head. Simply asking the question… Continue reading The Problem with Problem-Solving

The Doing and Being of Difficult Conversations

Orange on black talking illustration concept

Ronni Hendel-Giller Leadership Coach Years ago, I bought—and read—every book I could find about challenging conversations: Difficult Conversations, Crucial Conversations, and Fierce Conversations—all of them. Each added to my understanding of how to have (and why not to avoid) the conversations that we least want to have. I attended several workshops that focused on shifting… Continue reading The Doing and Being of Difficult Conversations

Leadership is Insufficient: a Case for Co-Inventing 2020

The day I met my mentor, Dr. Fernando Flores, he said to me: “Leadership is too narrow and too much about individual commitment and willpower.” As I contemplated this blow to my up-until-then identity of a somewhat-leadership-expert, a new world opened up to me… the world of contingencies, emergences, and accidents. I learned that to… Continue reading Leadership is Insufficient: a Case for Co-Inventing 2020

Maintaining Peace of Mind in the Midst of Living Ambitiously

Maintaining Peace of Mind in the Midst of Living Ambitiously Interview with Sue Lundquist & Sheila Wright Life moves fast. And for those of us who have a big vision for ourselves and the world, managing all the “stuff” that comes at us every day can make it hard to stay grounded and focused on… Continue reading Maintaining Peace of Mind in the Midst of Living Ambitiously

Change the Game, and the Game Changes You

The sports arena is not the only place game-changing plays are made. We make them in business deals, in our career, in relationships, through innovations, strategic visions, and more. In the non-profit world, lives are dedicated to “changing the game” in areas that need it most. As an executive coach, I coach leaders who want to… Continue reading Change the Game, and the Game Changes You