Strategy in Complex Times

The Game You Choose to Play—and How You Can Win It

Many senior leaders say they have an adequate strategy in place. But when pressed, they often

  • don’t understand the strategy themselves, 
  • can’t articulate the strategy to others, 
  • can’t implement the strategy in practice, 
  • or can’t adapt the strategy to a constantly evolving marketplace.

All of the above lead to an insufficient strategic condition that becomes a fast-track to insufficient results:

Lost market share. Conflicting, and ultimately wasted lines of effort. Overwhelm at falling behind the pace of change. A general sense of confusion, aimlessness, and eventually, frustration among stakeholders. 

These are the signs of an organization without an effective and aligned-on strategy. 

Sound like you? It’s time to speak to us… 

Connect with a TGN consultant today to develop a winning strategy.


A Way of Thinking, a Way of Being, a Way of Winning

Strategy isn’t a one-time event. It isn’t something to be created in a strategic planning or annual budgeting session and filed away “until next time.” 


Said plainly: In an increasingly complex and unpredictable business environment, a “set-it-and-forget-it” strategy just doesn’t cut it anymore.


Organizations poised to succeed must develop the capacity for ongoing strategic thinking that continually leverages and expands its sources of sustainable competitive advantage. 


And this capacity must be developed from the boardroom to the frontline. Organizations with a shared language around strategy—and a shared capacity for operating strategically—will be more nimble, more innovative, and better positioned to win. The strategy will inform their daily decision-making and align efforts and resources as the organization navigates the industry landscape. 



“Having gone through many strategy sessions before, we weren’t really looking forward to doing another one. After our initial session, that feeling had completely changed. Not only [did we have an] expert facilitator, deftly guiding us through the process and making it seem so natural that we followed him like the pied piper, but the content and outcomes from our work together has been unparalleled. I’m not exactly sure how he did it, but he took a very diverse group of 11 individuals and managed to make our time together both productive and downright enjoyable. We are spoiled forever now and can’t imagine going back to the way we used to do [strategy].”

Holly Graff, Chair, Bowen Island Community Foundation

Making Strategy "Stick" with Leadership and Culture

Strategy is crucial. But the greatest strategy in the world will fall apart without the leadership and culture in place to implement and sustain that strategy. (Trust us—we’ve seen it a thousand times.) That’s why all TGN Consulting strategic work is developed and implemented by consultants with a background in leadership development and cultural integration. 

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Let's Get Started

Connect with a TGN consultant today to develop a winning strategy.