Accountability Part 1: Making Stuff Work Exceptionally Well

I work with people who want performance and results — making stuff work exceptionally well: organizations, projects, strategy, bosses, team members, direct reports, personal relationships, health, play, retirement, family, balance, finances, etc. — basically, life. Sometimes the conversations focus on big new ventures or colossal failures, but more often than not, getting stuff to work exceptionally well in life… Continue reading Accountability Part 1: Making Stuff Work Exceptionally Well


Panera Leadership Development Keynote   Kari Granger will show you how to elevate your leadership to new levels. She will tell you her experience in leading breakthrough results in the most challenging of conditions, including leading combat missions in Iraq, and introduce the idea of Transformative Leadership. Transformative Leadership is a powerful new leadership context… Continue reading TRANSFORMATIVE LEADERSHIP: TRAINING PANERA LEADERS

How To Deal with the “Victim Mentality” in Others

The “Victim.” We all have them in our life, maybe you are one of them, maybe you work with one, or maybe you are married to one. One thing I have learned in the last 15 years as a coach, there are two things that no one likes: 1) being called a “victim” and 2)… Continue reading How To Deal with the “Victim Mentality” in Others

Taking the “My” out of “My Promise”

Written by: Kari Granger  Originally Published in The Journal of The Conference for Global Transformation, Vol 11 (1), May 2011 Best Paper Award Abstract The propensity of principal ownership for a leader’s vision can serve as a limit to the successful realization of that vision. While early on it may be effective to relate to… Continue reading Taking the “My” out of “My Promise”