Resolve to Make No More New Year’s Resolutions


I’d like to speak about creating 2019.  Many people I have spoken with have given up making New Year’s resolutions; it seems we humans are largely ineffective in changing habits (you can read more about how to do this in previous blogs). That said, many people create goals for the coming year. Some people create the goals then forget about them, some write them down and look at them at the end of the year, and some organize themselves to take the actions that will realize the goal.

Whatever path people end up taking, the act of creating yearly goals can be very useful. And, there are ways of adding power to whatever goals we may take on. So, get out a piece of paper or open a blank document and let’s get started!

1. Write down one outcome you would like to have next year. It can be in your work, or your life outside of work. Don’t worry about getting the right one or the best one or the most important one. Any one will do.

2. Now ask yourself: what about that is important to you? Ask yourself that question at least three times and make note of what you come up with.

3. Next is a speculation. Take the last answer you arrived at and look from there: if that were fulfilled, what would your work and/or your life look like at the end of 2019?  Said another way, if you got what you wrote, and got it fully, what would be there at the end of 2019 that is not there now? Allow yourself to speculate and make note of several outcomes. The more specific they are, the better. And, don’t try to settle on one at this point.

4. After you have listed several outcomes (I recommend going for at least 10), review the list of what you said might be there at the end of 2019. From the list select one, two or three outcomes that most represent the fulfillment of what is important to you.This may include the goal you started with, and it may not.

5. Next is the step that will add the greatest amount of power. Get out your calendar and schedule times to do those things that will result in you achieving the outcomes you selected. At this time you may not know all that needs to be done. However, if you have time scheduled, you can reflect and determine what actions are appropriate at that time.

Will any of this guarantee that you will accomplish what you set out to accomplish? No. As you are probably well aware, there are no guarantees in this life. Will it make it more likely that you will fulfill more of what’s important to you? Definitely.

I invite you to do this exercise before the end of January with at least one area in your work or life. I promise if you do, you will have a greater experience of being self determined going into the year. And, if you honor the times you scheduled, this experience will continue throughout the year.

We wish you a powerful and fulfilled 2019!