Season Three Teaser

 “Companies with high trust outperform the S&P 500 by a factor of three!” We’re back! Welcome to Season Three of the Leadership Impact podcast. In this “teaser-isode,” we set the stage for this season’s topic: building and sustaining trust. So many of us think of trust as a luxury—it

Season 3 Episode 35 – Taking the Trust Temperature in Your Organization

 “What’s in the background when choosing whether to trust is: ‘Will this person support or harm what I value—now and in the future?’” Blaming. Complaining. Gossiping. Justifying. Avoiding. Defending. So often, these harmful behaviors seep into our everyday interactions at the office. As leaders, we do our best to

Season 3 Episode 36 – The Limitations of Unconditional Trust

 “When people make trust so significant, it limits them in being able to move powerfully and navigate violations.” When it comes to trust, people are prone to “either/or” thinking. Either “I  trust you 100%” or, once that trust is compromised in any way at all, “I can never trust

Season 3 Episode 37 – How to Practice Trust

 “You can choose not to trust—but you cannot opt out of the consequences of not trusting.” When it comes to building trust, we often turn it into a waiting game. “I will get around to trusting her…but she needs to prove herself first.” “Why should I re-engage with him

Season 3 Episode 38 – The Value of Trust in Chaotic Times

 “If I choose to live in trust, I have a vastly different experience of this uncertain time, and I show up as a completely different person.” We are living in frightening, unprecedented times. Now more than ever, it’s easy to fall out of trust—with society, the government, the financial

Season 3 Episode 39 – How Cultures Spiral Out of Control

 “When I have a mood of distrust, my actions become consistent with not trusting. That is the lens through which I see everything.” Distrust often starts innocuously enough. A bit of gossip. A smidge of dissent. But as the saying goes, “When it rains, it pours.” Before you know

Season 3 Episode 40 – Why Faking It Could Be Sabotaging Your Culture

 “When everyone is faking trust, it wears on the capacity, productivity, effectiveness, enjoyment of the entire organization.” “Fake it till you make it.” That’s advice we often hear for how to step up our game at work. But as it turns out, when it comes to building trust, that

Season 3 Episode 41 – Thank You for the (Negative) Feedback

 “One of the core strategies for building trust is giving and receiving negative assessments. And for many of us, that alone occurs as a threat.” Feedback. Many of us cringe at even the thought of giving it—let alone receiving it. But navigating feedback is an absolutely critical skill for

Season 3 Episode 42 – Potatoes and Van Goghs

 “So often we identify with our beliefs and strongly held opinions. We’re not even consciously aware of what’s driving our distrust or aggravation. We can increase our awareness by asking, ‘What do I really care about in this situation?’” Whenever we get stuck in a downward cycle of distrust,

Season 3 Episode 43 – Trust is NOT a Light Switch

 “Understanding the anatomy of trust allows you to diagnose where it’s missing, and take a big statement like ‘I can’t trust this person’ to a much narrower scope, that you can actually take action around, in the form of a conversation.” We often think of trust as a binary

Season 3 Episode 44 – Signs and Symptoms You Are Not Oriented to Bring Trust

 “Moods predispose us to the actions we take; they color the way we see others and the way we tune into the world.” Moods are everywhere! We are always in one mood or another. In a way, they are the background tone of our existence, the lens through which

Season 3 Episode 45 – Setting the Stage for a Trust Culture

 “One of the things we should do in any interaction is picture who is going to do what and by when. And if we can’t picture that, we’ve got to ask the question and get clear.” How often do we think we are on the same page with our

Season 3 Episode 46 – Betrayal in the Workplace

 “Violations can be used as an opportunity towards personal growth and leadership.” When we think of a “betrayal,” we often think of an earth-shattering, personally-devastating, stabbed-in-the-back sort of deception. But betrayals come in all shapes and sizes. And failure to acknowledge and deal with the “little betrayals”—such as routine

Season 3 Episode 47 – Acceptance as a Revolutionary Act

 “Acceptance is not tolerance; it’s not saying it’s okay; it’s not resisting; it’s not saying ‘it should be another way but I guess it’s this way’; rather, it’s simply allowing what happened to be the way it is. For the rest of your life this will have happened…and nothing

Season 3 Episode 48 – Leadership Impact Endisode

 “Without an ending, we don’t have the space to create something new.” The end of an era! In this special “end-isode,” Kari and Paul look back not only on this season in which we’ve explored trust, but on the past one-and-half years of Leadership Impact. In This Episode: 0:56