Mobilize, don’t paralyze: Lessons from Coaching CEOs on Boardroom Blindspots

By Kari Granger  After 15 years coaching CEOs and their teams—from startups to Fortune100s—I’ve seen a predictable pattern: When board meetings approach, everything else grinds to a halt.   Boards step into their roles with the best of intentions—to uphold accountability, protect stakeholders, and ensure the company’s long-term success. They ask tough questions, challenge assumptions, and… Continue reading Mobilize, don’t paralyze: Lessons from Coaching CEOs on Boardroom Blindspots

Future of Work: Augmentation & Human Connection as Competitive Advantages

AI (Artificial Intelligence) concept. Communication network.

By Kari Granger  Major General Phillip Sheridan, the man tasked with forcing Native Americans off the Great Plains and onto reservations in the 1860s and ’70s, knew the indigenous people’s lives and civilization revolved around the buffalo. His strategy—exterminate the bison first—ended their traditional way of living in about a couple of decades.1 Plenty Coups,… Continue reading Future of Work: Augmentation & Human Connection as Competitive Advantages

Introducing Leaders to Our New Non-Human Peer

By Kari Granger (with some AI Collaboration) Why did I start thinking about Neanderthals after attending one of the most technologically advanced conferences on the planet? I walked away from last month’s SingularityU’s Executive Program profoundly moved and truly transformed. Now my daily news feed is flooded with all things AI, quantum, and exponential.  I’m… Continue reading Introducing Leaders to Our New Non-Human Peer

CanvasRebel Magazine Feature: Meet Kari Granger

Alright – so today we’ve got the honor of introducing you to Kari Granger. We think you’ll enjoy our conversation; we’ve shared it below.   Hi Kari, thanks for joining us today. To kick things off, we’d love to hear about things you or your brand do that diverge from the industry standard. In my 25… Continue reading CanvasRebel Magazine Feature: Meet Kari Granger

Put On Your Blue Overalls – the Key to a Successful Acquisition

Over the last several years, I’ve met and worked with many executive teams with extensive experience in mergers and acquisitions. But when it comes to sheer deal volume, there was one CEO who stood out far above the rest. I distinctly remember my jaw hitting the floor as he revealed to me that he’d presided… Continue reading Put On Your Blue Overalls – the Key to a Successful Acquisition

Facilitating the Shift in Business Consciousness

Facilitating the Shift in Business Consciousness Podcast Interview With Coaches Rising & Kari Granger   In these fast-paced times, coaches can play a crucial role in shaping leadership and organizational change. In this conversation with executive coach Kari Granger we explore the ongoing shift in business consciousness, what leadership is, stakeholder leadership, partnering with the… Continue reading Facilitating the Shift in Business Consciousness

It’s Really Happening

A few months ago, I stood outside in the rain in front of the NASDAQ headquarters in New York City, waiting for a cab. At that moment Ken Frazier, the celebrated outgoing CEO of Merck, emerged from the building. We had just attended the same dinner where he was named Chief Executive Group’s CEO of the… Continue reading It’s Really Happening

Leading On Purpose Live

Leading on Purpose Live  Podcast Interview with Colorado Uprising & Kari Granger   We have been hearing speakers’ talks for our Leading on Purpose Live conference, explaining the passion for building up leadership. In today’s episode, we listen to our third keynote Kari Granger, combat veteran and an expert in high-intensity and complex situations. Granger… Continue reading Leading On Purpose Live

A Guide to Not Losing Your Employees in The Great Resignation

The “Great Resignation” is upon us. According to one study conducted by Microsoft, 41% of the global workforce will consider leaving their current employer within the year. The Wall Street Journal reports that more U.S. workers are quitting their jobs now than at any time in the last 20 years. Why the impending exodus? Some… Continue reading A Guide to Not Losing Your Employees in The Great Resignation

Companies and Vaccines – Navigating Stakeholder Trade-offs

I talk a lot about the importance of “managing stakeholder cares.” It’s important to remember that this isn’t just some abstract, conceptual idea. Managing stakeholder cares means making tough, real-life, decisions, nearly every day that affect real people. The pandemic has made this even more pronounced. This came to my mind when reading a recent article in the Economist about “how companies should handle vaccines.” It… Continue reading Companies and Vaccines – Navigating Stakeholder Trade-offs