Complete, Create, Commit – with Kari Granger, CEO of the Granger Network

The Podcast Interview with Dr. Joe Sallustio & Kari Granger  In this episode, YOUR guest is Kari Granger, CEO of the Granger Network, YOUR host is Dr. Joe Sallustio, & YOUR sponsor is Alliance for Innovation & Transformation (AFIT)! How does the complete, create, commit model enhance change management? Listen in to #EdUp! TGN Consulting is an executive coaching firm… Continue reading Complete, Create, Commit – with Kari Granger, CEO of the Granger Network

Facilitating the Shift in Business Consciousness

Facilitating the Shift in Business Consciousness Podcast Interview With Coaches Rising & Kari Granger   In these fast-paced times, coaches can play a crucial role in shaping leadership and organizational change. In this conversation with executive coach Kari Granger we explore the ongoing shift in business consciousness, what leadership is, stakeholder leadership, partnering with the… Continue reading Facilitating the Shift in Business Consciousness

Leading On Purpose Live

Leading on Purpose Live  Podcast Interview with Colorado Uprising & Kari Granger   We have been hearing speakers’ talks for our Leading on Purpose Live conference, explaining the passion for building up leadership. In today’s episode, we listen to our third keynote Kari Granger, combat veteran and an expert in high-intensity and complex situations. Granger… Continue reading Leading On Purpose Live

The Changing Skill Set of Coaches

The Changing Skill Set of Coaches Podcast Interview With Coaches Rising & Kari Granger The world today is suddenly a very different landscape than three short years ago. It used to be enough for a coach to have coaching mastery but is that still the case? In this conversation with executive coach and CEO Kari… Continue reading The Changing Skill Set of Coaches

Walking the Talk

Implementing Stakeholder Capitalism Recently, in the midst of hashing out a particular nuance regarding ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance metrics), my colleague turned to me and said, “We’ve been talking about this stakeholder capitalism thing for a while now. I’ve known about ESG funds for months. But I just realized…I’ve never even taken a look at my… Continue reading Walking the Talk

A Week of Pain and Protest: It’s Time to Listen

A Week of Pain and Protest: It’s Time to Listen [17:48] Protests have gripped the United States this week, in the wake of George Floyd’s murder. Justice is demanding to be served. Voices are demanding to be heard. Centuries of pain are coming to a boil. How do we do more than just hear these… Continue reading A Week of Pain and Protest: It’s Time to Listen

Re-Emerging Through the Chaos of Coronavirus [18:02]

18 minutes As we consider what re-opening looks like, we must come to grips with the fact that the world we left behind is not the same world we are re-entering. Leaders today are feeling pressure to come up with the answer, the solution, the strategy for re-emergence. But here’s the thing: there is no one answer, no one solution, no one strategy. Operating from this understanding can… Continue reading Re-Emerging Through the Chaos of Coronavirus [18:02]

What You’re Feeling is…OVERWHELM [3:04]

3 minutes When a global pandemic like the coronavirus turns our world upside down, we’re bound to experience a range of powerful moods that color our everyday experience. In this series, we talk about some of the more prevalent moods during this time, and give some tips on how to navigate them powerfully. In this… Continue reading What You’re Feeling is…OVERWHELM [3:04]

What You’re Feeling is…ANXIETY [3:16]

3 minutes When a global pandemic like the coronavirus turns our world upside down, we’re bound to experience a range of powerful moods that color our everyday experience. In this series, we talk about some of the more prevalent moods during this time, and give some tips on how to navigate them powerfully. In this… Continue reading What You’re Feeling is…ANXIETY [3:16]

What You’re Feeling is…FEAR [2:16]

2 minutes When a global pandemic like the coronavirus turns our world upside down, we’re bound to experience a range of powerful moods that color our everyday experience. In this series, we talk about some of the more prevalent moods during this time, and give some tips on how to navigate them powerfully. In this… Continue reading What You’re Feeling is…FEAR [2:16]