Mobilize, don’t paralyze: Lessons from Coaching CEOs on Boardroom Blindspots

By Kari Granger  After 15 years coaching CEOs and their teams—from startups to Fortune100s—I’ve seen a predictable pattern: When board meetings approach, everything else grinds to a halt.   Boards step into their roles with the best of intentions—to uphold accountability, protect stakeholders, and ensure the company’s long-term success. They ask tough questions, challenge assumptions, and… Continue reading Mobilize, don’t paralyze: Lessons from Coaching CEOs on Boardroom Blindspots

A Week of Pain and Protest: It’s Time to Listen

A Week of Pain and Protest: It’s Time to Listen [17:48] Protests have gripped the United States this week, in the wake of George Floyd’s murder. Justice is demanding to be served. Voices are demanding to be heard. Centuries of pain are coming to a boil. How do we do more than just hear these… Continue reading A Week of Pain and Protest: It’s Time to Listen