Mobilize, don’t paralyze: Lessons from Coaching CEOs on Boardroom Blindspots

By Kari Granger  After 15 years coaching CEOs and their teams—from startups to Fortune100s—I’ve seen a predictable pattern: When board meetings approach, everything else grinds to a halt.   Boards step into their roles with the best of intentions—to uphold accountability, protect stakeholders, and ensure the company’s long-term success. They ask tough questions, challenge assumptions, and… Continue reading Mobilize, don’t paralyze: Lessons from Coaching CEOs on Boardroom Blindspots

CanvasRebel Magazine Feature: Meet Kari Granger

Alright – so today we’ve got the honor of introducing you to Kari Granger. We think you’ll enjoy our conversation; we’ve shared it below.   Hi Kari, thanks for joining us today. To kick things off, we’d love to hear about things you or your brand do that diverge from the industry standard. In my 25… Continue reading CanvasRebel Magazine Feature: Meet Kari Granger

Meeting the Current Leadership Moment: In Executives’ Words

Presented by: TGN Consulting Based on Interviews Conducted by: Kari Granger, Ilene Fischer, Noey Jacobson, Diana Ajzen, Maria Hincapie What We Wanted to Find Out In the whirlwind of the past year, organizations have transitioned to varying degrees: several have experienced outright chaos, many have experienced genuine disruption, most have experienced some uncertainty, but nearly… Continue reading Meeting the Current Leadership Moment: In Executives’ Words

Are You Headed Towards A “Stragedy?”

We have invented a new word: Stragedy™.  It’s not a spelling mistake, but a real-world phenomenon. Strategy + Tragedy = Stragedy. We define Stragedy as the following:   Stragedy: a plan of action designed to achieve an overall aim that has an unhappy ending and creates the likely downfall of a company. There are many… Continue reading Are You Headed Towards A “Stragedy?”

Your Strategy Has a Half-Life (and It’s Shrinking)

COVID-19 has revealed a long-existing trend that we no longer can ignore. We live in a world of rapid change and complexity. Yet, our brains are hardwired to think linearly about the future, and we consistently fail to accurately predict when exponential change will occur. While we may not sense change until it is already… Continue reading Your Strategy Has a Half-Life (and It’s Shrinking)

The Cost of Path Dependence

You’ve probably been on countless calls over the last year working through all the logistical details for the reopening of your business. The countless questions you have had to consider likely include some version of: “how should the office be configured?”, “who should come back and who should stay at home?”, “how often should we… Continue reading The Cost of Path Dependence

Transformational Performance-Based Leadership: Addressing Non-Routine Adaptive Challenges

Written by: Kari Granger, Doug Hanover Originally published on Ivey Business Journal. Issues: January / February 2012, A leader’s job is to create contexts that will allow followers to adopt new perspectives on the challenges they face, and therefore, new actions that lead to higher levels of performance. The observations offered by this author will be… Continue reading Transformational Performance-Based Leadership: Addressing Non-Routine Adaptive Challenges