Mobilize, don’t paralyze: Lessons from Coaching CEOs on Boardroom Blindspots

By Kari Granger  After 15 years coaching CEOs and their teams—from startups to Fortune100s—I’ve seen a predictable pattern: When board meetings approach, everything else grinds to a halt.   Boards step into their roles with the best of intentions—to uphold accountability, protect stakeholders, and ensure the company’s long-term success. They ask tough questions, challenge assumptions, and… Continue reading Mobilize, don’t paralyze: Lessons from Coaching CEOs on Boardroom Blindspots

Future of Work: Augmentation & Human Connection as Competitive Advantages

AI (Artificial Intelligence) concept. Communication network.

By Kari Granger  Major General Phillip Sheridan, the man tasked with forcing Native Americans off the Great Plains and onto reservations in the 1860s and ’70s, knew the indigenous people’s lives and civilization revolved around the buffalo. His strategy—exterminate the bison first—ended their traditional way of living in about a couple of decades.1 Plenty Coups,… Continue reading Future of Work: Augmentation & Human Connection as Competitive Advantages

Introducing Leaders to Our New Non-Human Peer

By Kari Granger (with some AI Collaboration) Why did I start thinking about Neanderthals after attending one of the most technologically advanced conferences on the planet? I walked away from last month’s SingularityU’s Executive Program profoundly moved and truly transformed. Now my daily news feed is flooded with all things AI, quantum, and exponential.  I’m… Continue reading Introducing Leaders to Our New Non-Human Peer

CanvasRebel Magazine Feature: Meet Kari Granger

Alright – so today we’ve got the honor of introducing you to Kari Granger. We think you’ll enjoy our conversation; we’ve shared it below.   Hi Kari, thanks for joining us today. To kick things off, we’d love to hear about things you or your brand do that diverge from the industry standard. In my 25… Continue reading CanvasRebel Magazine Feature: Meet Kari Granger

Culture: You Can’t Buy It. You Have to Earn It

I recently met with the founder and CEO of a real estate development company. She described the explosive growth her firm had enjoyed over the past several years, and how her team had been called on to rise to the occasion and step up in their roles through the growing pains. “But you know, through… Continue reading Culture: You Can’t Buy It. You Have to Earn It

Making an Ass Out of “U” and “Me”

A couple months ago I facilitated a roundtable discussion with an intimate group of CEOs of primarily publicly traded companies. Our dialogue focused on the importance of cultural integration for realizing the value of M&A deals. Each one of the CEOs had served in the M&A trenches, some with billion-dollar acquisitions under their belt. Each… Continue reading Making an Ass Out of “U” and “Me”

Meeting the Current Leadership Moment: In Executives’ Words

Presented by: TGN Consulting Based on Interviews Conducted by: Kari Granger, Ilene Fischer, Noey Jacobson, Diana Ajzen, Maria Hincapie What We Wanted to Find Out In the whirlwind of the past year, organizations have transitioned to varying degrees: several have experienced outright chaos, many have experienced genuine disruption, most have experienced some uncertainty, but nearly… Continue reading Meeting the Current Leadership Moment: In Executives’ Words

Creating a Culture of Gratitude for Your Stakeholders

The numerous physical and emotional benefits of gratitude are well-documented. In particular, researchers like Robert Emmons and Martin Seligman have demonstrated the link between gratitude and happiness. That link makes intuitive sense. As the saying goes, “you are what you pay attention to.“ If you’re focused on and grateful for the blessings in your life,… Continue reading Creating a Culture of Gratitude for Your Stakeholders

How Cultures Spiral Out of Control

 Distrust often starts innocuously enough. A bit of gossip. A smidge of dissent. But as the saying goes, “When it rains, it pours.” Before you know it, a snowball effect takes hold, and the whole organization can easily become engulfed in cynicism, antagonism, and territorial bickering. In this episode, Kari and Paul discuss how… Continue reading How Cultures Spiral Out of Control

Transformational Performance-Based Leadership: Addressing Non-Routine Adaptive Challenges

Written by: Kari Granger, Doug Hanover Originally published on Ivey Business Journal. Issues: January / February 2012, A leader’s job is to create contexts that will allow followers to adopt new perspectives on the challenges they face, and therefore, new actions that lead to higher levels of performance. The observations offered by this author will be… Continue reading Transformational Performance-Based Leadership: Addressing Non-Routine Adaptive Challenges