How to Do Performance Reviews Better

The notorious performance review has become a modern-day torture tactic somehow accepted into the canon of corporate best-practices. Year after year, millions of employees file into their annual review with an enthusiasm befitting a dental cleaning. Here’s how you measured up. Here’s where you did well, and here’s where you fell short. Now get back out… Continue reading How to Do Performance Reviews Better

How to (Actually) Get Heard by Your Stakeholders

I once worked with a chief operations officer—we’ll call him Nicolas—who was asked by his CEO to present an update to the board. Nicolas prepared beautiful charts and airtight talking points to walk the directors of this private equity owned company through its day-to-day operations. But, it didn’t go to plan. After the meeting, the… Continue reading How to (Actually) Get Heard by Your Stakeholders

The Doing and Being of Difficult Conversations

Orange on black talking illustration concept

Ronni Hendel-Giller Leadership Coach Years ago, I bought—and read—every book I could find about challenging conversations: Difficult Conversations, Crucial Conversations, and Fierce Conversations—all of them. Each added to my understanding of how to have (and why not to avoid) the conversations that we least want to have. I attended several workshops that focused on shifting… Continue reading The Doing and Being of Difficult Conversations

Life and Work with Kari Granger: Magazine Feature

Voyage Denver Magazine Feature on Kari Granger Founder of TGN Consulting, Kari Granger, was recently featured in Voyage Denver Magazine. as a part of their Trailblazer Series. The interview covered a broad range of topics but highlighted how Kari got to where she is today and what has been most important to her along that… Continue reading Life and Work with Kari Granger: Magazine Feature

Where Does Your Future Live?

Where Does Your Future Live? Doug Fisher The future has an impact on us. It affects how we feel and the actions we take.   It’s not what we have had in the past, but how the future looks to us that has the greater impact. For example, imagine a person who earns $50,000 per… Continue reading Where Does Your Future Live?

Loving Stuff That Doesn’t Matter

Loving Stuff That Doesn’t Matter Doug Fisher A study by researchers at Stanford University found that people who frequently switch between several streams of media (e.g. email, internet, text messaging, instant messenger, social networking, etc.) do not perform as well as those who prefer to complete one task at a time. The researchers kept looking… Continue reading Loving Stuff That Doesn’t Matter

Change the Game, and the Game Changes You

The sports arena is not the only place game-changing plays are made. We make them in business deals, in our career, in relationships, through innovations, strategic visions, and more. In the non-profit world, lives are dedicated to “changing the game” in areas that need it most. As an executive coach, I coach leaders who want to… Continue reading Change the Game, and the Game Changes You

Transformative Leadership: Training Panera Leaders

16 minutes   Panera Leadership Development Keynote: March 7, 2017 “It’s the way a situation occurs for us that gives us the range of actions that are available for us to take in that situation.” Distinctions: Transformative Leadership; Creating new realities; Context; Culture; Getting connected.

Accountability Part 2: Holding Others Accountable

This is a 2-part series on accountability. In Part 1 we started at the beginning with self-accountability. Accountability always begins with oneself. After addressing accountability with ourselves, we now move to address how to conduct ourselves in a way that elevates the accountability in the world around us. Because we are in the world with others, we need a way to… Continue reading Accountability Part 2: Holding Others Accountable